Dynamics AX Administrator Interview Questions

Dynamics AX Administrator Interview Questions

Note that this blog only gives you tips for Interview Questions for AX Administrator, which you guys think most difficult one!

Normally, It depends upon interviewer and the nature of a job.

In my opinion, if the interviewer knows AX, then AX Administration questions could be asked on below following areas but not limited to:

  1. Windows Installation
  2. Active Directory (AD) Installation
  3. SQL Installation and Administration 
  4. AOS Installation
    1. Client Installation
    2. Reporting Installation
    3. EP Installation
    4. Help Server Installation
    5. Search Server Installation
  5. BI Installation
    1. Cubes
    2. SSRS
    3. SSAS
    4. SSIS
  6. AX Security
    1. AX Roles
    2. User Management
  7. Email Configuration in AX.
  8. Integration.
  9. AIF
  10. Workflow Administration
  11. Document Management in AX
  12. Outlook Synchronization.
  13. Logging AX Tables
  14. Batch Servers
  15. AOS clustering.
  16. AOS load balancing.
  17. AX Performance
  18. AX Monitoring
  19. Licensing of AX
  20. AOT
  21. System Tables
  22. Code movements
  23. Model
  24. Model Store
  25. XPO 
  26. ISV, Hyper-V, VMware, TFS, Build Process also can be asked!

Do Check these links:

  1. Getting Started (Administrator\’s Guide)
  2. System administrators
  3. Roles and Responsibilities for Dynamics AX Administrator
  4. Job Description of Microsoft Dynamics AX Administrator
  5. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Technical Interview Questions
  6. Microsoft Dynamics AX Tips
If you have any question or area to be added please comment! 
Happy AX Infra! 

Thanks & Regards,

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