Microsoft Dynamics 365 will end jobs of Microsoft Dynamics AX Administrators?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 will end jobs of Microsoft Dynamics AX Administrators?

If you are working as Microsoft Dynamics AX Administrators then this question is for you!

Yesterday one of my friends called me asked this question that Microsoft Dynamics 365 will end jobs of Microsoft Dynamics AX Administrators? Since Microsoft will take care of infrastructure and performance issues?

Well, my answer was no!

Why my answer is no?

Well, we have lots of work to be the provision like:

Lifecycle Services
Hotfixes and updates
Database administration
General administration

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If you have any question or area to be added please comment! 

Happy AX Infra! 

Thanks & Regards,
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9 thoughts on “Microsoft Dynamics 365 will end jobs of Microsoft Dynamics AX Administrators?

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