Overview of AX kernel crash hotfixes!
This blog should help you to get an overview on which kernel hotfixes are available concerning crash issues. As all kernel are cumulative, meaning that they contain all previous made hotfixes, only the link for the very latest hotfix is added in this blog.
The blog will be updated on regular basis.
Hotfixes can be downloaded on LCS
Week 14 2014
Latest AX 2012 R2
KB 2957061
Build: 6.2.1000.7176
Customizations to the Windows locale causes the AX client to
crash when compiling C# projects in the AOT
crash when compiling C# projects in the AOT
Latest AX 2012 RTM
KB 2920058
Build: 6.0.1108.6720
DATAAREAIDLITERAL enabled causes company switching issue
Latest AX 2009
KB 2949685
Build: 5.0.1600.2619
:AOS crashing when attempting to remove the oldest open cursor –
If an access violation exception occurs in
the ODBC driver, the AOS subsequently crashes.
If an access violation exception occurs in
the ODBC driver, the AOS subsequently crashes.
AX 2012 R2 | ||
KB Number | Description | Kernel Build |
2955002 | Gantt chart printing causes client crash | 6.2.1000.7095 |
2936564 | Random crashes in production environment | 6.2.1000.6548 |
2935737 | Ax32Serv!SqlStmt::private_stmtSelectDirectives related to EP is crashing AOS / follow up on CR 937552 | 6.2.1000.6503 |
2935257 | Dynamics AX Client crash while compiling Web Control | 6.2.1000.6489 |
2934893 | Client/AOS crash when using SysExtensionSerialize framework in extended table inheritance hierarchy | 6.2.1000.6450 |
2933241 | AOS crash in production system | 6.2.1000.6381 |
2929836 | AOS crashs if adding Query under Data source of View. And the name of Query and View is the same. | 6.2.1000.6226 |
2921439 | AOS crashs when trying to multiple select product receipts in relation with Purchase Invoicing. | 6.2.1000.5616 |
2908562 | AUC file causing the AX client to crash on startup | 6.2.1000.4710 |
2893298 | Retail POS crashes when a special character is typed in the Customer tax CPF field | 6.2.1000.3484 |
2899139 | AX 2012 R2 CU6 client crashes when accessing a mapped field from a derived table | 6.2.1000.4265 |
2898355 | AOS crashed in clicking Global Address Book under a custom security role | 6.2.1000.3704 |
2885202 | Client crash when user uses the \”personalize\” option to customize grid list views | 6.2.1000.2830 |
2878051 | Client crash in WPF code when opening and closing sales orders from the all sales orders form | 6.2.1000.2473 |
AX 2012 RTM | ||
KB Number | Description | Kernel Build |
2953630 | Client crash while refresh the Sales listpage after manually remove the field of the grid | 6.0.1108.6674 |
2954310 | AOS crashes when memory is exhausted after importing a modelstore and usagedata is | 6.0.1108.6678 |
2926477 | AOS crashed frequently in a production box at cqlCursor::updateDirty | 6.0.1108.6328 |
2896498 | Client crash when user uses the \”personalize\” option to customize grid list views backport to 6.0 | 6.0.1108.5752 |
2878051 | Client crashes in WPF code when opening and closing sales orders from the all sales orders form | 6.0.1108.5389 |
2873724 | Creating a view with DirAddressBookPartyAllView as table data source crashes the client | 6.0.1108.5280 |
2871312 | AX is crashing or opening other instance of AX if we try to open cust billing Code form or dispaly menu item Cust billing code– BAT cases failing | <None> |
2871429 | AOS crashed with .NET Framework 4.5 for WCF service QueryService | 6.0.1108.5195 |
2864594 | Client crash due to WPF message rendering thread | 6.0.1108.5037 |
2862463 | Client crashes after users personalize forms to modify their layout | <<Updated on Submit>> |
2856724 | Default signing limit rule details form crashes client | 6.0.1108.4878 |
2847250 | Form \”Frame type\” = None causes client crash | <<Updated on Submit>> |
2842699 | Client crashes in Citrix environment with Citrix profile manager enabled \”AX32.EXE!bufdesc_t::addbuffer\” | 6.0.1108.4609 |
AX 2009 | ||
KB Number | Description | Kernel Build |
2949685 | AOS crashing when attempting to remove the oldest open cursor – followup to CR 1018206 | 5.0.1600.2619 |
2887886 | Retail POS crashes when a special character is typed in the \’Customer CNPJ/CPF\’ field (BR) | 5.0.1600.2194 |
2875068 | AOS crashing at Ax32Serv!cqlDatasourceSql::next in freeing a NULL pointer | 5.0.1600.2007 |
2848284 | AX 2009 Client Crashes during development tasks. Follow-up on CR 637155 | 5.0.1600.1767 |
2794301 | AOS crash while printing many reports as files to disk (Based on conclusion of #372540) | 5.0.1600.1218 |
2762623 | Printing to PDF makes the RU8 client crash when vendor name contains Thai characters | 5.0.1600.755 |
2703293 | AX2009 Regular AOS crashes in Ax32Serv!SqlStmt::next coming from a client serverNext call RFH | 5.0.1600.3 |
2674839 | AOS crash in Ax32Serv!interpret::xal_asg_sym_opr | 5.0.1500.6678 |
2676477 | Potential regression of AXSE 22213 – Running the attached job crashes the AOS | 5.0.1500.6655 |
2653378 | AX2009 SP1: AOS crashes due to uncaught compilation error | 5.0.1500.6339 |
2620343 | RFH: unpack method crashes AOS if the number of packed elements in array exceeds 50 | 5.0.1500.5808 |
- Read the complete post at blogs.msdn.com/…/overview-of-ax-kernel-crash-hotfixes.aspx